Analogue photography
I take photos on film. This dying genre is called analogue photography nowadays.
Lomo, pinhole camera, flat film, roll, leica, Rolleiflex, Hasselblad, Linhof, Sinar, Mamiya, Horseman, Nikon, Canon, Pentax, Minolta, Ilford, Kodak, Jobo, Paterson, just to list a few. Beautiful devices, careful photographing and sensitive workmanship hallmark analogue photography. The vast majority of the below photos were made using black and white 35mm film, Nikon FM3a, Nikon FM2 or Nikon F5 stand and Nikkor objective. Some were made using Hasselblad 503CW camera, while others using Linhof Technika IV baseboard camera. My going back to analogue photography was not only prompted by the repulsion I feel against the digital picture-flow. I find the grain, character and vulnerability of film beautiful and fascinating. The nowadays so fashionable, over-coloured world that is different to reality, as it has been re-drawn by the camera, feels fake and distorted. I don’t think that the scratches, fluffs and other macules are the virtue of film. I consider them as necessary evil and I do not wish to “amplify” the view by keeping them.
Szivárvány | 9# | Hollád |
Rét | Kisfalud | Tél |
Mácsonya | Akác | Maszlag |
Aszalvölgy | Árvalányhaj | Magányos bódé |
Levél | Téli köd I. | Tükör |
Téli köd II. | Bóbita | Csúcsos-hegy |
Mesztegnyő | Zúzmarás rét a ködben | Virág |
Velencei-tó | Madár | Termés |
Kő-kutya | Leégett erdőrészlet | Tömeg |
Levelek | Virág | Köd |
Növény | vidámpark | Galyatető |
Liliom | Gesztenye | Gyárkémény és egy sirály |
Velence | Nyárvégi füves rét | Elhagyott katona lakások a ködben |
Ifa a bodzásban | Hajdanvolt buszpályaudvar | Galambok 1988 |
Kisfaludi kastély | Tánc I. 2020 | Tánc III. 2020 |
"mintamókus 1" | "mintamókus 2" | Iszkaszentgyörgy |
Dupla | Galyatető |